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두발 자전거로 변신하는 세발 자전거 - 시프트 - Bicycle `Shift' - 자전거 디자인, 발명

by 3sun 2008. 11. 21.
속도를 내어 달리면 두발 자전거가 되고, 속도가 줄면 세발 자전거가 되는 자전거, 이름은 `시프트(Shift)'. 2004년 대만 자전거 관련 디자인 대회에서 우승한 작품. 이거 오토바이에도 응용하면 괜찮은 제품이 나올듯 하다.

디자인(발명)을 한 스코트 심(Scott Shim) 교수와 2명의 제자

사용자 삽입 이미지

Scott Shim

April 27th, 1971

Education Background:
Ohio State University
Master of Arts- Industrial Design
University of Illinois at Chicago
Bachelor of Fine Arts- Industrial Design

Assistant Professor
Industrial Design , Purdue University

Scott Shim is an Assistant Professor of Industrial Design
at Purdue University. Prior to joining the faculty at
Purdue University, he worked at Daewoo Electronics Design
Center for six years participating in various consumer
electronics projects for both domestic and international
markets. Professor Shim continues active consulting for
various international clients.

Professor Shim’s area of expertise includes comprehensive
design process and product development. He teaches various
levels of undergraduate and graduate industrial design
studio courses at Purdue University.

사용자 삽입 이미지

Ryan Lightbody

February 6, 2004

Education Background:
Purdue University
Bachelor of Arts- Industrial Design
Minor - Anthropology

Ryan Lightbody is a recent Industrial Design graduate from
Purdue University (Graduated in December 2004). He is
currently working as an Industrial Designer. He was and
still is an active member of IDSA. He looks forward to the
beginning of his career as a professional industrial

Opus Design Award 2004
-Awarded Works for “bookmark” entry
-Winning Works for “Breath” entry

Sikko Snowboard Design Competition 2004
-Finalist and Official Artist

2003 s Designed by Artists Exhibition Exhibitor

48:2 Design Competition 2003 with Whirlpool First Place Team

사용자 삽입 이미지

Matt Grossman

November 5, 1982

Education Background:
Purdue University
Bachelor of Arts- Industrial Design

Matt Grossman is currently in his fourth year in the
Industrial Design program at Purdue University, where he
is Secretary of the IDSA Purdue Student Chapter.
In 2004 he was one of two students to receive the IDSA
Undergraduate Scholarship. Matt continues to participate
in design competitions and plans to graduate in May 2005.

2004 ISDA Undergraduate Scholarship Recipient
48:2 Design competition with Fundex Games – Team Leader
48:2 Design competition with Whirlpool – First Prize (2003)

Accepted into the 2003 Toys Designed by Artists Exhibition

출처 - http://design.runride.com/